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Alle Produkte >Digitale Wörterbücher > Spracherkennung > ECTACO für alle Spachen

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 In den Warenkorb

Language Tutor - ECTACO Partner Englisch <-> Polnisch EP-X8

Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Polnisch; Polnisch<->Englisch
Wortschatz: über 1,000,000 Wörter
Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
Gewicht: 11 oz
Batterientyp: 4 x AAA Batterien, inkl.
Verbindung mit dem PC: Ja

Unser neuestes Sprachlernsystem vermittelt Ihnen den Reichtum der englischen Sprache zusammen mit einem interaktiven Sprachlernsystem. Der Sprachlernkurs ist als ein System auf zwei Ebenen angelegt mit Einschätzungs- und Fortschrittstests und einem vollen Paket an grammatischen, phonetischen und Vokabelübungen, um Ihnen zu helfen, Englisch zu lernen. Das Modell ist mit englischer und polnischer Spracherkennungsfunktion ausgestattet. Besondere Anleitungen übersetzen, erklären und sprechen das fremdsprachliche Material für Sie aus. Englische und polnische Sprachsynthese helfen Ihnen, die Laute mit den Wörtern und Sätzen zusammenzubringen. Das Textbuch ist graphisch schön mit gut strukturierten Einheiten, die für vertiefte und effektive Sprachstudien vorgesehen sind. Diese sind in Anfänger- und Fortgeschritteneneinheiten eingeteilt. Das Sprachlernsystem ist auf einer besonderen, kompakten Karte gespeichert und kann einfach in Ihr Taschenwörterbuch eingesetzt werden. Dies ist ein sehr leistungsfähiges linguistisches Hilfsmittel für all diejenigen, die Englisch lernen und flüssig sprechen wollen.

Effektives Lernen

  • Vollständiger Nachschlagewerk zur englischen Grammatik, Wortschatz und Phonetik
  • Language Tutor lässt Sie Ihre Studienfortschritte verfolgen
  • Sie können Ihr eigenes, erweiterbares und bearbeitbares Wörterbuch mit automatischen Verweisen in das Hauptwörterbuch anlegen
  • Englisch-polnischer sprechender Sprachführer mit englischer und polnischer Spracherkennung
  • Polnische Spracherkennung und Ausgabefunktionen werden nur im Sprachführer unterstützt
  • Die MorphoFinder?-Funktion hilft Ihnen dabei, Wörterbucheinträge für englische Partizipien, Gerundien, Pluralformen von Nomen sowie für polnische Adjektivformen zu finden
  • Die Akzentkorrekturfunktion trainiert Sie und hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihre englische Aussprache zu perfektionieren: Partner erkennt Ihre Aussprache und bewertet sie
  • Voll automatisierte Textübersetzung
  • Führer für die Vorbereitung auf den Test für die US-Staatsbürgerschaft
  • Vokabelkarten erleichtern Ihnen das Auswendiglernen und helfen Ihnen dabei, schnell Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Überlegenes Organisationssystem

  • Der hochauflösende Touch-Screen schont Ihre Augen
  • Benutzerfreundliches zweisprachiges Interface
  • Zweisprachiger Organizer, der höchsten Industriestandards entspricht
  • Digitaler Stimmrekorder
  • Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datenaustausch und Synchronisierung mit Ihrem PC

    Dieses Modell ist besonders für polnische Muttersprachler entwickelt worden, die Englisch lernen.

    Für vollständige Information über dieses Modell ziehen Sie bitte das Handbuch zu Rate, welches im Format PDF vorliegt.

    Dieses Modell ist besonders für polnische Muttersprachler entwickelt worden, die Englisch lernen.

  • €459.00

    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner Englisch <-> Spanisch ES-X5

    Kategorie: sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Spanisch; Spanisch<-> Englisch
    Wortschatz: 1,000,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewich: 11 oz
    Batterientyp: 4 x AAA Batterien inkl.
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Unser Bestseller, ein bilinguales System mit englischer und spanischer Aussprache und Spracheingabe, bietet Ihnen mehr als 1.000.000 Wörter, darunter amerikanische Redewendungen, medizinische, technische, juristische und geschäftliche Begriffe sowie gebräuchliche und umgangssprachliche Ausdrücke und eine umfangreiche Phrasenbank.

    Zusätzliche bilinguale Kommunikation

    Dies ist ein höchst leistungsfähiges linguistisches Werkzeug für all diejenigen, die Fremdsprachen regelmäßig nutzen und sich fließend verständigen möchten.

    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und spanische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen.
    • Die Transkription für englische Wörter wird in allen Wörterbüchern angegeben.
    • Hocheffiziente Volltextübersetzung mit dem Lingvobit?-Übersetzungssystem
    • Sie können Ihr eigenes, personalisiertes und bearbeitbares Wörterbuch anlegen, welches automatisch mit dem Hauptwörterbuch verbunden wird (ergänzendes Wörterbuch)
    • Zusätzliches russisch-spanischem bidirektionalem Wörterbuch eingeschlossen.
    • Umfangreicher sprechender Sprachführer mit 1.100 Phrasen, die zur leichteren Navigation in 9 Themenbereichen angeordnet sind. Dieser übernimmt die Funktion Ihres Übersetzers in einer Reihe von Standardsituationen wie Shopping, Bankgeschäfte, Einchecken in einem Hotel.
    • Die Morphofinder?-Funktion hilft Ihnen beim Finden von Wörterbucheinträgen für englische Partizipien, Gerundiumformen, Pluralformen von Nomen sowie von spanischen Adjektivformen.
    • Die Funktion zur Akzentkorrektur trainiert Sie und hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache zu perfektionieren: Partner versteht, was Sie sprechen.
    • Der TOEFL-Führer mit Übungen und Beispieltests ist ein wichtiges Hilfsmittel für Studenten der englischen Sprache.
    • Flash-Karten machen Auswendiglernen leichter und vergrößern rasch Ihren Wortschatz.

    Hervorragendes Organisier-System

    • Der hochauflösende berührungssensitive Bildschirm schont Ihre Augen
    • Multifunktionaler sprechender Organizer, der den strengsten Industriestandards entspricht
    • Netzteil und Anschlussmöglichkeit an den PC, müssen separat erworben werden
    • Stenofunktion, um sofortige Notizen machen zu können

    Für vollständige Information über dieses Modell ziehen Sie bitte das Handbuch zu Rate, welches im Format PDF vorliegt.

    Zusätzlich zu dem eigentlichen elektronischen Wörterbuch enthält die Lieferung zwei auswechselbare Batterien, eine gepolsterte Tragetasche, eine Bonus-CD mit zusätzlichen Softwaretiteln und ein Benutzerhandbuch.


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    Language Tutor - ECTACO Partner Englisch <-> Russisch ER-X8

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Russisch; Russisch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: über 1,000,000 Wörter
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht: 11 oz
    Batterientyp: 4 x AAA Batterien,>
    Verbindung mit dem PC: Ja

    Unser neuestes zweisprachiges System mit englischer und russischer Spracherkennung und Sprachausgabefunktionen bietet Ihnen über 1 000 000 Wörter, darunter amerikanische Redewendungen, medizinische, technische, juristische und geschäftliche Fachbegriffe sowie gebräuchliche und umgangssprachliche Ausdrücke. Dabei ist es ein interaktives Sprachlernsystem. Der Sprachkurs ist zweischrittig angelegt mit Einschätzungs- und Fortschrittstests und dem vollen Paket an grammatischen, phonetischen und Vokabelübungen, um Ihnen zu helfen, Englisch zu lernen. Besondere Anleitungen übersetzen, erklären und sprechen das fremdsprachliche Sprachmaterial für Sie aus. Ein besonderes Textbuch ist auch im Lieferumfang enthalten.

    Dieses Modell ist besonders für russische Muttersprachler entwickelt worden, die Englisch lernen.

    Hochentwickelte zweisprachige Kommunikation

    Dieses Modell ist eine verbesserte Version des Partner ER-X5 Wörterbuches und bietet die interaktive Sprachlernfunktion für Englisch. Es ist ein sehr leistungsfähiges linguistisches Hilfsmittel für alle, die regelmäßig mit Fremdsprachen arbeiten und fließend kommunizieren müssen. Der Partner ER-X8 ist eine ausgereifte Lernhilfe mit englischer und russischer Spracherkennung und hochentwickelten Lernfunktionen.

    • Die hochentwickelte englische Sprachsynthese gibt die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen, aus. Transkriptionen für englische Wörter werden in jedem Wörterbuch angegeben
    • Interaktives englisches Sprachlernsystem
    • Vollständiger Nachschlagewerk zur englischen Grammatik, Wortschatz und Phonetik
    • Hocheffektive Volltextübersetzung mit dem Lingvobit? Übersetzungssystem
    • Sie können Ihr eigenes, erweiterbares und bearbeitbares Wörterbuch mit automatischen Verweisen in das Hauptwörterbuch anlegen
    • Russische Spracherkennung und Ausgabefunktionen werden nur im Sprachführer unterstützt
    • Russische Spracherkennung wird nur im Sprachführer unterstützt
    • Die MorphoFinder?-Funktion hilft Ihnen dabei, Wörterbucheinträge für englische Partizipien, Gerundien, Pluralformen von Nomen sowie für russische Adjektivformen zu finden
    • Russische Sprachsynthese ist auf Sprachführer-Einträge beschränkt
    • Zusätzliches russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, 250 000 Einträge
    • Die Akzentkorrekturfunktion trainiert Sie und hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihre englische Aussprache zu perfektionieren: Partner erkennt Ihre Aussprache und bewertet sie
    • Voll automatisierte Textübersetzung
    • Führer für die Vorbereitung auf den Test für die US-Staatsbürgerschaft
    • Vokabelkarten erleichtern Ihnen das Auswendiglernen und helfen Ihnen dabei, schnell Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Überlegenes Organisationssystem

    • Der hochauflösende Touch-Screen schont Ihre Augen
    • Benutzerfreundliches zweisprachiges Interface
    • Zweisprachiger Organizer, der höchsten Industriestandards entspricht
    • Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datenaustausch und Synchronisierung mit Ihrem PCDigitaler Stimmrekorder

    Für vollständige Information über dieses Modell ziehen Sie bitte das Handbuch zu Rate, welches im Format PDF vorliegt.


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner Englisch <-> Russisch ER-X5

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Russisch, Russisch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 1,000,000 Wörter
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht: 11 oz
    Batterientyp: 4 x AAA Batterien, inkl.
    Verbindung mit dem PC: Ja

    Die neue Generation der linguistischen Mikrocomputer ist jetzt verfügbar. Dieses Spitzensystem erkennt englische und russische Sprache und ist mit einem Sensor-Bildschirm ausgestattet.

    Das englisch-russische bidirektionale allgemeine Wörterbuch mit einem Wortschatz von über 1.000.000 Wörtern enthalt amerikanische Idiome, medizinische, technische, juristische und Business-Fachworter sowie gebrauchliche Redewendungen und Slang. Um ein Wort schnell zu finden, tippen Sie einfach seine Anfangsbuchstaben ein oder buchstabieren Sie es (z.B. bi-ou-ou-key für "book"). Die MorphoFinder?-Funktion hilft Ihnen, Anfangsformen fur englische Partizip-, Gerundium- und Pluralformen sowie für russische Adjektivformen zu finden. Die Sprachfunktion ist auf den Wörterbuch-Inhalt nicht beschränkt und generiert die Aussprache eines beliebigen Textes im Englischen. Alle Wörterbucher enthalten die Lautschrift für die englischen Wörter. PartnerX5 verfügt über ein leistungsstarkes Anwendungsprogramm Lingvobit? für die Übersetzung ganzer Sätze. Auch sind ein englisches Definitionswörterbuch und ein bidirektionales russisch-deutsches Wörterbuch miteingeschlossen. Der Partner X5 erlaubt Ihnen, Ihr eigenes Wörterbuch zu schaffen, das automatisch mit dem allgemeinen Wörterbuch verknüpft wird.

    Der sprechende Reiseführer ersetzt einen russischen oder englischen Übersetzer in typischen Situationen wie Hotelanmeldung, Einkaufen, Bankbesuch usw. Sie wählen einfach die entsprechende Phrase aus einer Liste oder sagen sie auf Englisch oder Russisch, und der Partner X5 wird diese Phrase ins Russische, Deutsche oder Englische übersetzen und aussprechen. Über 1.100 in neun Themen eingeordnete Phrasen stehen zu Ihrer Verfügung.

    Die Funktion des Englischunterrichts enthält ein elektronisches Buch der englischen Grammatik, einen verständlichen TOEFL-Fuhrer mit Beispielstests, ein linguistisches Spiel, eine Liste von englischen unregelmaßigen Verben und die Lernkarten-Funktion für ein leichtes Wortschatz-Lernen. Die Funktion der Verbesserung der englischen Aussprache basiert auf der Spracherkennungsfunktion. Der Partner X5 erkennt englische Phrasen, vergleicht Ihre Aussprache mit der Standardaussprache und benotet sie als "Sehr gut", "Gut" oder "Schlecht".

    Ein zweisprachiger 2 MB Organizer enthält ein Telefonbuch, einen Memo-Block, einen Terminkalender, eine Jahrestagenliste, einen Kalender, einen Kontenmanager, Währungs- und Maßeinheitenumrechnungsfunktion und die Passwortschutz-Funktion. Der Partner X5 kann mit Ihrem PC Daten austauschen, damit Sie eine Reservekopie Ihrer Organizer-Daten machen können. Die Kurzschrift-Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, mit einer Feder schnell Notizen zu machen. Ein digitales Diktiergerät nimmt Ansagen bis zu 8 Minuten Dauer auf. Eine umfassende Auskunftsfunktionsgruppe enthält folgende Funktionen: einen ausführlicher Reiseführer, eine Liste der englischen Namen, eine Uhr mit der lokalen und der Weltzeit, illustriert mit einer Landkarte , Telefonvorwahlen für über 4.000 Stadte in der ganzen Welt.


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2m5

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Polnisch, Spanisch und Russisch
    Wortschatz: 1,125,000 wörter
    Größe: 98x30x181mm, 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 35.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Polnisch, Spanisch und Russisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Polnisch, Spanisch und Russisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Englische, Deutsch, Russische, Polnische und Spanische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Polnisch, Spanisch und Russisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher: ? Business-Wörterbuch ? Finanzen-Wörterbuch ? Jura-Wörterbuch ? Medizinisches Wörterbuch ? Wörterbuch für Erdölterminologie ? Wörterbuch für Telekommunikationen und PC
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Polnisch, Spanisch und Russisch
    • Phonetische Transkription hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache und Rechtschreibung zu verbessern
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 349,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner ER800 - Englisch <-> Russisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Russisch; Russisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Russisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Russisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 1,030,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner ER800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Russisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 1.030.000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und russische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Zusammenhängende Volltextübersetzung ins Englische und Russische, Sofortrückübersetzung
    • Ausgezeichnete englische und russische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 1.030.000 Wörter in englisch-russischen allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbüchern: für Wirtschaft, Finanzwesen, Jura, Medizin, Mineralölwirtschaft sowie Telekommunikations- und Computerfachbegriffe. Alle Wörterbücher enthalten die Funktion der Sprachsynthese für Englisch und Russisch sowie umfangreiche Gebrauchsbeispiele in Alltagssituationen
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 1.030.000 Wörter in englisch-russischen allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbüchern, die die Funktion der Sprachsynthese für Englisch und Russisch sowie umfangreiche Gebrauchsbeispiele in Alltagssituationen enthalten
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> russischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Zweisprachiges Interface
    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)

    ER800 ist eine verbesserte Version von den ER-X8 und ER-x8c. ER800 hat folgende Zusatzfunktionen: Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Russisch für die gesamte Wörterbuch-Datenbank, Farbbildschirm und MP3-Player


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EB800 - Englisch <-> Bulgarisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Bulgarisch; Bulgarisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Bulgarisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Bulgarisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EB800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Bulgarische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Bulgarischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Bulgarischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Bulgarischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EHu800 - Englisch <-> Ungarisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Ungarisch; Ungarisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Ungarisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Ungarisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EHu800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Ungarische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Ungarischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Ungarischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Ungarischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EV800 - Englisch <-> Vietnamesisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Vietnamesisch; Vietnamesisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Vietnamesisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Vietnamesisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EV800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Vietnamesische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Vietnamesischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Vietnamesischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Vietnamesischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)

    Verfügbarkeit: EV800 derzeit nicht verfügbar, Vorbestellung möglich.

    Verfügbarkeit: EV800 derzeit nicht verfügbar, Vorbestellung möglich.


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2An Englisch <-> Albanisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Albanisch; Albanisch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Albanisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Albanisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->Albanisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Albanisch und Englisch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-An SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2Fn Englisch <-> Finnisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Finnisch; Finnisch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Finnisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Finnisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->Finnisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Finnisch und Englisch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-Fn SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2Hu Englisch <-> Ungarisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Ungarisch; Ungarisch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Ungarisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Ungarisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->Ungarisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Ungarisch und Englisch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-Hu SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2RSp Russisch <-> Spanisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Russisch<->Spanisch; Spanisch<->Russisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Spanisch und Russisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Spanisch und Russisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Russische und Spanisch Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Russisch<->Spanisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Spanisch und Russisch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-RSp SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EGm800 - Englisch <-> Deutsch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Deutsch; Deutsch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Deutsch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Deutsch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 605,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EGm800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Deutsch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 605,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Deutsche Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 605,000 Wörter in englisch-Deutschen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 605,000 Wörter in englisch-Deutschen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Deutscher Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DHu Deutsch <-> Ungarisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Ungarisch; Ungarisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Ungarisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Ungarisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Deutsch Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Ungarisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Ungarisch und Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2DHu SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gera?tes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EAl800 - Englisch <-> Albanisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Albanisch; Albanisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Albanisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Albanisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EAl800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Albanische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Albanischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Albanischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Albanischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: ? 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner ECz800 - Englisch <-> Tschechisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Tschechisch; Tschechisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Tschechisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Tschechisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner ECz800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Tschechische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Tschechischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Tschechischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Tschechischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EDu800 - Englisch <-> Niederländisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Niederländisch; Niederländisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Niederländisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Niederländisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 520,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EDu800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Niederländisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 520,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und niederländische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 520,000 Wörter in englisch-Niederländischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 520,000 Wörter in englisch-Niederländischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Niederländischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EF800 - Englisch <-> Französisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Französisch; Französisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Französisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Französisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EF800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Französisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und französische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in englisch-Französischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in englisch-Französischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Französischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EFn800 - Englisch <-> Finnisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Finnisch; Finnisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Finnisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Finnisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EFn800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Finnische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Finnischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Finnischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Finnischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: ? 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EG800 - Englisch <-> Griechisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Griechisch; Griechisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Griechisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Griechisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 505,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EG800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 505,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Griechische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 505,000 Wörter in Englisch-Griechischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 505,000 Wörter in Englisch-Griechischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Griechischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EI800 - Englisch <-> Italienisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Italienisch; Italienisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Italienisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Italienisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EI800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Italienisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und italienische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in englisch-Italienischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in englisch-Italienischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Italienischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EPg800 - Englisch <-> Portugiesisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Portugiesisch; Portugiesisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Portugiesisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Portugiesisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 565,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EPg800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Portugiesisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 565,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und portugiesische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 565,000 Wörter in englisch-Portugiesischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 565,000 Wörter in englisch-Portugiesischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Portugiesischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner ES800 - Englisch <-> Spanisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Spanisch; Spanisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Spanisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Spanisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 1,010,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner ES800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 1,010,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Spanische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 1,010,000 Wörter in Englisch-Spanischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 1,010,000 Wörter in Englisch-Spanischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Spanischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)

    Verfügbarkeit: ES800 derzeit nicht verfügbar, Vorbestellung möglich.


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner ESl800 - Englisch <-> Slowakisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Slowakisch; Slowakisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Slowakisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Slowakisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 505,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner ESl800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 505,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Slowakische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 505,000 Wörter in Englisch-Slowakischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 505,000 Wörter in Englisch-Slowakischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Slowakischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)

    Verfügbarkeit: ESl800 derzeit nicht verfügbar, Vorbestellung möglich.


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner ESw800 - Englisch <-> Schwedisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Schwedisch; Schwedisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Schwedisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 525,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner ESw800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Schwedisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 525,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 525,000 Wörter in englisch-Schwedischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 525,000 Wörter in englisch-Schwedischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Schwedischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb

    Sonderpreis: € 319,00


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner ET800 - Englisch <-> Türkisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Türkisch; Türkisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Türkisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 810,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner ET800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch und Türkisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 810,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 810,000 Wörter in englisch-türkischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 810,000 Wörter in englisch-türkischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Türkischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Partner EUa800 - Englisch <-> Ukrainisch Sprechendes Elektronisches Wörterbuch und Audio-Sprachführer

    Kategorie: Sprechendes zweisprachiges Wörterbuch erweiterunggsfähig mehr als 50 Sprachkombinationen hinzufügen
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Ukrainisch; Ukrainisch <-> Englisch; Englisch <-> Englisch
    Sprachaushgabe: Englisch und Ukrainisch künstliche Sprachausgabe im Wörterbuch; Englisch und Ukrainisch menschliche Sprachausgabe im Sprachführer
    Wortschatz: über 510,000
    Größe: 6.6 x 3.9 x 0.9 in
    Gewicht:11 oz
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer wiederaufladbare Batterie (3.7V, 1400mAh), inkl.

    Der ECTACO Partner EUa800 ist ein erweiterbares zweisprachiges Kommunikationsgerät mit einem coolen modernen Design, hochauflösendem Farbbildschirm und einzigartigen linguistischen Werkzeugen. Der unheimlich große Wortschatz enthält professionelle Wörterbücher, sowohl allgemeine, als auch hoch spezialisierte. Die weiterentwickelte Sprachfunktion für Englisch auf Basis der TTS (Text-to-Speech) Technologie ist die korrekteste und ausgeklügelte von allen, die es heutzutage auf dem Mark gibt.

    Dieses intelligentes linguistisches Gerät ist umfassend mit Informationen und Werkzeugen ausgestattet, die Ihnen helfen, Ihre Fremdsprachkenntnisse sowohl für Lernzwecke als auch für den touristischen Gebrauch zu verbessern.


    • Farbbildschirm: der luxuriöse hochauflösende Farbbildschirm mit einstellbaren Farbschemen, anpassbaren Elementen, farbkodierten Wortarten, Gebrauchsbeispielen und vielem anderen
    • Erweiterte Wörterbuch-Datenbank: über 510,000 Wörter in allgemeinen und spezialisierten Wörterbücher, der größte Wortschatz, den es je gegeben hat!
    • Die weiterentwickelte englische und Ukrainische Sprachsynthese liefert die Aussprache jedes beliebigen Textes, nicht nur von Wörterbucheinträgen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Ein für die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse der Reisenden entwickelter Sprachführer für Ihren täglichen Gebrauch im Urlaub sowie in Geschäftsreisen. Er liefert eine reale menschliche Aussprache für Tausende der aufgenommenen Phrasen


    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Ukrainischen allgemeinen.
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion "Neues Wort hinzufügen" erlaubt Ihnen, Ihre eigenen Wortschatzdatenbanken zu erstellen und sie zu den existierenden hinzuzufügen
    • Slangsperre: diese Funktion erlaubt Ihnen, den Slang in Ihren Wörterbüchern anzuzeigen oder zu verstecken
    • Die Suchfunktion hilft Ihnen, durch die riesige Wortschatzdatenbank zu navigieren
    • Auswechselbare MMC/SD-Karten erlauben Ihnen, eine Vielfalt von Sprachen sowie den endlosen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. hinzuzufügen.


    • SAT 200 und SAT 5000 Wortschatzsammlungen helfen Ihnen, sich für den komplizierten Englischtest vorzubereiten
    • Linguistische Spiele: Flash-Cards, Pockets, Rechtschreibungsspiel und Übersetzungsspiel: sie helfen Ihnen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo zu lernen, Ihre Wortschatzkenntnisse zu erweitern und die Aussprache zu verbessern
    • Das WordNet Princeton Definitionswörterbuch der modernen englischen Sprache - über 70.000 Einträge und detaillierte Erläuterungen
    • Über 510,000 Wörter in Englisch-Ukrainischen allgemeinen.
    • Phonetische Transkription, ein unentbehrliches Werkzeug für diejenigen, die korrekt zu sprechen und zu schreiben lernen
    • Vektor Ultima?-Rechtschreibprüfung


    • Englisch <-> Ukrainischer Audio-Sprachführer enthält mit Muttersprachlerstimmen aufgenommene Phrasen, die Ihnen in verschiedenen Standardsituationen und -tätigkeiten helfen werden
    • FlashCards: ein klassisches Spiel, das Ihnen hilft, sich neue Wörter und Phrasen im Ihrem eigenen Tempo spielend leicht zu merken.

    Und mehr?

    • Media Player mit MP3-Unterstützung
    • Währungs- und Maßeinheiten-Umrechnung
    • Weltzeit
    • Wecker
    • Rechner

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DPl Deutsch <-> Polnisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Polnisch; Polnisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 1,000,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Polnisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Polnisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Deutsche und Polnisch Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Polnisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Polnisch und Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-DPl SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 1,000,000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2FPl Französisch <-> Polnisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Französisch<->Polnisch; Polnisch<->Französisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Polnisch und Französisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Polnisch und Französisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Polnisch Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Französisch<->Polnisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Polnisch und Französisch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2FPl SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gera?tes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2V Englisch <-> Vietnamesisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Vietnamesisch; Vietnamesisch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Vietnamesisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Vietnamesisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Vietnamesisch und Englisch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2V SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gera?tes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten)


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2RGm Russisch <-> Deutsch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Russisch<->Deutsch; Deutsch<->Russisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Deutsch und Russisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Deutsch und Russisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Russische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Russisch<->Deutsch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch und Russisch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2RGm SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DCz Deutsch <-> Tschechisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Tschechisch; Tschechisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 1,000,000wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Tschechisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Tschechisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Tschechisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2DCz SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DSl Deutsch <-> Slowakisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Slowakisch; Slowakisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Slowakisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Slowakisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Deutsche Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Slowakisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2DSl SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DTr Deutsch <-> Türkisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Türkisch; Türkisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Türkisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Türkisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Deutsche Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Türkisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2DTr SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DIt Deutsch <-> Italienisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Italienisch; Italienisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Italienisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Italienisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Deutsche Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Italienisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Italienisch und Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2DIt SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DF Deutsch <-> Französisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Französisch; Französisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Französisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Französisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Deutsche Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Französisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Französisch und Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2DF SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2DSp Deutsch <-> Spanisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Deutsch<->Spanisch; Spanisch<->Deutsch
    Wortschatz: 725,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Spanisch und Deutsch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Spanisch und Deutsch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete Deutsche und Spanische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales Deutsch<->Spanisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Spanisch und Deutsch
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-DSp SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 725.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2EGmRu Englisch <-> Deutsch <-> Russisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Deutsch; Deutsch <->Englisch
    Englisch<-> Russisch; Russisch <->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 675,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 21.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Deutsch, Russisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Deutsch, Russisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische, deutsch und russische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->deutsches<->Russisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch, Russisch und Englisch
    • Phonetische Transkription hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache und Rechtschreibung zu verbessern
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2GmPl SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2EGmPl Englisch <-> Deutsch <-> Polnisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Deutsch; Deutsch<->Englisch
    Englisch<-> Polnisch; Polnisch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 625,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 21.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Deutsch, Polnisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Deutsch, Polnisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische, deutsch und polnische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->deutsches<->polnisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch, Polnisch und Englisch
    • Phonetische Transkription hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache und Rechtschreibung zu verbessern
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2GmPl SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2EGmFr Englisch <-> Deutsch <-> Französisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Deutsch; Deutsch<->Englisch
    Englisch<-> Französisch; Französisch <->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 625,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 21.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische und deutsch Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->deutsches<->französisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch, Französisch und Englisch
    • Phonetische Transkription hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache und Rechtschreibung zu verbessern
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say "Hello" in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2GmFr SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2Gm Deutsch <-> Englisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch<->Deutsch; Deutsch<->Englisch
    Wortschatz: 450,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Deutsch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Deutsch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische und deutsch Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern.

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->deutsches Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Deutsch und Englisch
    • Phonetische Transkription hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache und Rechtschreibung zu verbessern
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc. .

    ECTACO TL-2Gm SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2B Englisch <-> Bulgarisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Bulgarisch; Bulgarisch <-> Englisch
    Wortschatz: 1,000,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Bulgarisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Bulgarisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->Bulgarisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher: ? Business-Wörterbuch ? Finanzen-Wörterbuch ? Jura-Wörterbuch ? Medizinisches Wörterbuch ? Wörterbuch für Erdölterminologie ? Wörterbuch für Telekommunikationen und PC
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Bulgarisch und Englisch
    • Phonetische Transkription hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache und Rechtschreibung zu verbessern
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Slangsperre

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Hello

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian! in eleven languages?!

      LingvoSoft Talking Travel Dictionary 2006 Multilingual (ML-11) for Pocket PC, the new and improved global Travel Dictionary for Pocket PC from LingvoSoft, gives you an exciting opportunity to translate from one to any of these languages: English, Czech, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Portuguese. That is only the beginning! You can now also benefit from the unique speech technology incorporated in the dictionary, talk, and listen in any of the following languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese and Russian!

    • Leicht erweiterbar mit MMC/SD-Cards mit weiteren Sprachen und ultimativen linguistischen Inhalt von Ectaco, Inc.

    ECTACO TL-2B SpeechGuard enthält ein umfangreiches Wörterbuch mit 450.000 Wörtern, was ihn zu einem viel mehr fortgeschrittenen Gerät macht im Vergleich zu ECTACO TL-4.

    Die Stromversorgung des Gerätes erfolgt durch einen Gleichstromadapter oder mit den Akkus (alles im Standardlieferumfang enthalten).


    In den WarenkorbIn den Warenkorb


     In den Warenkorb

    ECTACO Travel SpeechGuard TL-2Cz Englisch <-> Tschechisch

    Kategorie: Sprechendes Wörterbuch
    Sprachpaare: Englisch <-> Tschechisch; Tschechisch <-> Englisch
    Wortschatz: 1,000,000 wörter
    Größe: 3.9x1.2x7.1 in
    Batterientyp: Li-Polymer Akku (3,7V, 1800mAh), eingeschlossen
    Verbindung mit dem PC Ja

    Dieses Produkt ist das berühmteste von unseren SpeechGuard-Übersetzern. Dieses tragbare Gerät der neuen Generation ist das ultimative sprechende Wörterbuch, das heutzutage auf dem Markt verfügbar ist. Das Gerät schließt über 14.000 Phrasen ein und kann in Tschechisch und Englisch sprechen. Dieser einzigartige Sprachführer ist für Reisende unumgänglich, er hilft ihnen, die Welt der Fremdsprache zu erforschen und effektiv zu kommunizieren. Es enthält ein umfassendes bidirektionales Wörterbuch und benutzerfreundliche Satzbauhilfe mit Sprachfunktion für jedes Wort von Einkaufen und Essen bis zum Camping und Fußball: alles, was Reisende brauchen; es schließt Alltagskommunikationsthemen ein, die einem einen sofortigen Einblick in die fremdsprachliche Kultur liefern. Es ist außerdem mit lustigen und effektiven FlashCards zum optimisierten Sprachlernen vervollständigt: Sie können eines von vier unterhaltenden Spielen wählen, in Ihrem eigenen Tempo üben und Ihr Wortschatz aufbauen.

    Ausgestattet mit einem wasser- und staubdichten Gehäuse sowie Qualitätslautsprechern, ist dieses robuste, langlebige und kleine Gerät eine große und schnelle Hilfe zur effektiven Fremdsprachkommunikation.


    • Der Sprachführer ist die ultimative Quelle von fertigen Phrasen und Ausdrücken sowie einzelnen Wörtern und enthält folgende Themen: Grundlagen, Reisen, Hotel, Stadtverkehr, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Bank, Kommunikationsmittel, Im Restaurant, Essen und Trimken, Einkaufen, Reparaturen/Wäscherei, Sport/Freizeit, Gesundheit/Apotheke, Schönheitspflege.
    • Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say ist eine Funktion, die Ihnen zu sehen erlaubt, was Sie als Antwort auf die ausgesprochene Phrase hören können. Sie haben zum Beispiel die Phrase

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Ich möchte bitte etwas Weißwein

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say im Thema

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Im Restaurant

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say gewählt. Wenn Sie dann die Option

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Das könnten Sie hören

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say wählen, wird das System die möglichen Antworten des Kellners auf Ihre Aussage anzeigen.

    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Nützliche Wörter

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say zeigt die Schlüsselwörter im gegebenen Thema an, die sich ein Reisende an erster Stelle merken sollte.

    • Sprachausgabe in Tschechisch und Englisch wurde nach der fortgeschrittensten Technologie aufgenommen
    • Ausgezeichnete englische Spracherkennung, die Ihrem Gerät erlaubt, sich an die jeweilige Benutzerstimme anzupassen
    • Suchfunktion für einzelne Wörter und ganze Phrasen
    • FlashCards zum effektiven Sprachlernen: das klassische Profil mit dem Kartensystem hilft Ihnen, sich die Fremdwörter schnell zu merken und Ihren Wortschatz zu erweitern

    Erweiterter Wortschatz

    • Bidirektionales englisch<->Tschechisch Wörterbuch enthält allgemeinen Wortschatz sowie Fachwörterbücher: ? Business-Wörterbuch ? Finanzen-Wörterbuch ? Jura-Wörterbuch ? Medizinisches Wörterbuch ? Wörterbuch für Erdölterminologie ? Wörterbuch für Telekommunikationen und PC
    • Hochentwickelte Sprachsynthese für Englisch
    • Phonetische Transkription hilft Ihnen, Ihre Aussprache und Rechtschreibung zu verbessern
    • Sofortige Rückübersetzung ist ein weiterer Vorteil
    • Die Suchfunktion erlaubt Ihnen, leicht durch die Informationsmengen zu navigieren
    • Fortgeschrittene Worterkennung und MorphoFinder?
    • Die Funktion

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say Neues Wort hinzufügen

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say

      Can you say erlaubt Ihnen, neue Einträge zu erstellen und sie zu existierenden Wörterbüchern hinzuzufügen

    • Funktion
